onsdag 17 februari 2010

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I'm looking for advice/help from men. I am a woman of 52 years (22yrs at heart). I am with a man I adore and we've been together for 3yrs now, and have just set up home together. We have been through a very stresful 18months, my divorce, our house purchase etc etc. I am rather insecure by nature and my age brings on further angst concerning my looks, figure etc. My partner has for some time now been having erection problems. Added to that I am always the one to make the first move. He says he loves me and he says he fancies me, but he seems reluctant to touch me. He says he is shy and that he is worried he can't finish the 'job' and disappoint me. His work is pysically demanding so I can appreciate he gets tired but I would have thought we should be having sex more than once every three months or so! I have asked him if he wouldl please see a doctor and get checked for any sinister physical reasons for his dysfunction but so far he hasn't. Again I can appreciate his reluctance but there comes a point, a Viagra frequency Ans as if the skin is somehow damaged, as with a sunburn. I am at a total loss and basically do not look forward to sex that much. I don't what could have changed in the last year and doubt that anxiety and depression could do so much. Any input would be appreciated thanks I am at a total loss Cialis dream online

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Does klonopin interact with multivitamins Viagra patch I'm so glad you started this thread, Burmashave, because it has opened up all kinds of interesting discussions between my husband and myself. I tend to be more impatient, while he tends to take things as they come, and have learned to keep some of my opinions to myself! We have read all the replies, and although sometimes I'm saddened by the struggles everyone has gone through, mostly I'm encouraged that on the whole things are working out. Personally, I don't think I was prepared for the emotional "stuff" that came along with the diagnosis and surgery. It has been such a time of ups and downs, especially with the problems he went through with recovery. I too am thankful for everyone's support, as I've said before, and will probably say again! Viagra soft tabs overnight delivery A seizure feeling after ejaculation? Generic levitra from india AD's= Anti Depressants CBT= Cognitive Behavior Therapy ENT= Ears Nose and Throat Doctor ETD= Eustation Tube Dysfunction GP= General Practitoner.in other words your Family Doctor OCD= Obsessive Compulsive Disorder PTSD= Post Traumatic Stess Disorder TMJ= Temporo-Mandibular Joint P Doc= Psychologist or Psychiatrist SNRI= Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor SSRI= Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor

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Hi, Almost every single time I have used a condom, it has either: a) Come off during sex and is found on the bed or wherever b) Come off during sex inside the woman c) Is completely split open so that the condom just is left circled around the base of the penis. a) has happened about five times, b) has happened about three times, and c) has happened about three times. There's been a few of other times wearing a condom when none of these happens, but all of those I stopped before ejaculation. In fact, I have NEVER came inside a condom, I haven't really bloody had the chance! All other times I've had sex it has been with my ex-girlfriend on the pill. Before her I was not sexually active, however I am now, and not with the same partner. One day it could really turn out with bad repercussions. What the hell am I doing wrong? I know how to put them on, and follow the instructions exactly. Get rid of that bubble at the top. Etc. I swear I'm doing it right as do the girls. I despise condoms, they're supposed to  Safest place to buy viagra

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