söndag 21 februari 2010

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Can I try it? Re: Injections Not Working

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As far as i know the medications i am on dont have any side effects that could cause this. I am currently on 6-Mercapturine 50mg a day Pentasa Medications have not changed to cause this, i have gone down on the first drug there to 50mg cos it was causing a low red blood count but thats it. Other symptoms i have noticed is more urinating, and the feeling of needing to urinate when i start to get erect. Just generally no sex drive, even when masturbating i'll only have en erection while im doing it otherwise itl go away. I just have no sex drive at all, and that feeling of needing to urinate is not nice either. One other symptom is dark urine in the morning. thats it lol hopefully those are the symptoms for some condition thats fixed easy >< thanks again

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This is the more difficult piece of advice. If you can forget that you even have a penis.and focus only on her pleasure.you'll be surprised at how you respond. But the more you focus on making it work , worrying if it will or getting nervous if it doesn't respond right away.you'll get stuck in that "oh crap failure" again cycle. You'll be fine buddy - just relax!.
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Ress over the last 7 months, my girlfriend has left me because I can not have sex. Sorry this is so long but if you can think of anything I am deffinatley willing to give it a try. Thanks for looking and reading. viagra from mexico Viagra Why do people have Orgasms while sleeping Hello all. i wondered if there are any methods anyone heres heard of for how to get things like Viagra to work to its full potential. aside from taking it as directed and such, are there any other things you can take to maximize the effects? i see on the bodybuilder forums they call it "stacking." some of the combinations im not sure how safe they are, so i wondered what can safely be taken with a med like Viagra or Levitra to assist. for instance, what can be taken to help with performance anxiety? or to help get you psychologically ready? or staying power? all of these factors i believe are just as important as the arousal, because they help sustain them. thanks. viagra dose riddim

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