tisdag 23 februari 2010

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I would like some info from people who have the implant that pumps pain medication right into your back. is there a lot of pain when it is IMPLANTED does it work/ WHAT KIND OF MEDICATION GOES INTO IT? PLEASE HELP, I MAY NEED A THIRD SURGURY AFTER HAVING A L4-L5 FUSION.

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Tegritol? I read mixed reviews of Advimil (sp?) with most women saying don't waste your money. We've tried vigel but my wife didn't really like it. It's supposed to go on the clitoris, but most women can't take direct clitoral stimulation - that was my wife's gripe about it. She HAS benefitted from taking evening primrose oil, 4g's per day (3 vitamin shoppe 1300mg caps a day). It didn't make her "in heat" but made her more receptive to sexual suggestions. A cyber-acquaintance benefitted from a damiana-dong quai supplement, saying it made her think about sex more often during the day. She also has used a testosterone gel that she said really works (don't do this unless you get ample info on correct doseages). So, I think what it boils down to is you may have to experiment a little. Don't overdose on any herb, but maybe give a few a try. Also, the fall may be a good time to try the dong quai, as it makes you more sensitive to sunlight. az tempe viagra

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Okay, so my girlfriend and I had a lot of sex last Saturday. During part of it we got kind of.rough. We had to stop because my penis head starting hurting. I noticed I had what looked like a cut on my penis, and that hurt. So when I got home, I put some neosporin on it and it had healed by the next day. However, in addition to the cut I had a sore head. I had hoped that would clear up, but today is Wednesday and it is still sore. I've been putting this stuff called Bag Balm on it, because I initially thought I had just been very chapped, but I now think that isn't the case. I'm circumsized, and the ridge, like at the base of the glans is sore when I touch it. The tip of my penis is sore when I touch it as well, but the ridge is the most painful. It was very painful Saturday, and even feeling my underwear against my penis was painful, and now it is down to a dull ache. It only hurts when I touch it. I've been thinking about going to the doctor, but I've already been to the doctor a couple times this yea

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