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OK, looks like tonight could be my first viagra experience. Any pointers? How long in advance to take it? I know all of this will be in the perscription when I pick it up, but wanted to get info from the real users. (I'm very healthy, no health probs.) Using it because of lost libido and function when exercising hard, like yesterday running 12 miles at a pretty fast pace. Thanks for your advice! Oh, they're 50mg pills.

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Thought we could use a laugh - please add your own to this. Happy Thursday! You know you have panic disorder when. -You look for the nearest escape route everywhere you go -You wonder if anyone would notice if you locked yourself in the bathroom at your own party -You have to mentally prep yourself for three days before going to pick up milk at the grocery store -You envy your pets because they don't have to leave the house -Immediately upon waking you check to make sure every part of your body feels normal. If your toe hurts you panic for the rest of the day and call in sick. -You're pretty sure the receptionists at your doctors office hate you, as well as your pharmacists -You sit at work and make up these lists because your anxiety has wreaked havoc on your concentration and you're pretty sure you have ADD now too..
Re: aging and erections Well, here I was bragging how 25mg of Viagra makes me a Superman, and today, it was a dud. I don't know if it was psychological or what, but I just wasn't "feeling" the Viagra like I normally do, and it took a long time to get an erection going - usually, 25mg has me 3/4 hard before she even touches it. Has anyone experienced this phenomenon where you occasionally have a misfire? I'm freaking, because Viagra was my ace in the hole . if it's stopped working after just a couple months, the future is looking bleak.

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