torsdag 25 mars 2010

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New to viagra, any tips for a newbie Just really curoius, when having sex for a while and all that friction, i usually am pretty sore afterwards, even though i am totally into it at the time so dont really need the lube, if i am sore does that mean the guy would be too? i mean cos they are just as sensitive arent they? Cialis ace inhibitors interaction Specialdee, I really happy for you. Glad to hear that you are doing well. Hope that your return to work is good. Can I ask you something? What is the big hesitation for men to have implants? It seems like such a simple solution (ok I realize this is from a woman's standpoint) to such a major issue for a man, and to a man and his partner. But all the struggles, methods, pills, injections, those are difficult and have side effects also. Why did you wait? Hesitate? My husband and I discussed this prior to his surgery and my thought was, he is 50. if needed and nothing occurs on its own.go for the implant. you have lots of years to use it and I promise you we will wear it out! The pain of surgery (even if a month) is shorter than the mental and physical pain that men suffer with ED, in my opinion. Then again, this is from a woman's standpoint. I'm so curious as to why men hesitate on that. There must be good reasons..
Asking DH & I have been together for 15 years. Our sex life has exploded over the last year. Pre-vasectomy, he had trouble maintaining an erection with intercourse, but did fine with masturbation, oral and morning erections. We figured it was the condoms and just had fun with oral During his appointments with the urologist pre- and post-vasectomy, DH mentioned the problems he's having with staying hard. The doc totally brushed him off, said he'd never heard of such a thing for a man at 34 years of age. Well, DH has evidently been trying some supplements the last few weeks. He said one he bought didn't work at all. He bought two different types before this past weekend and, man, o'man, did they WORK! He wants to order a giant supply of supplements now. I'm hesitant because who knows what's in this stuff and what it could do to him long-term. But I also love not being able to walk right on Monday morning after the weekend we had! He'd mentioned that he was beginning to feel seriously inadequate before trying a sup srbiji u viagra

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Hi all, Ok the swelling has still remained only in the left leg and was about the same size this morning as it was last night, which was about 1/2" difference in size from my right leg. It appears to be more swollen tonight, however I just got finished measuring and it is still measuring as 1/2" larger in all areas. I am starting to feel the tightness in my skin though. There is still a sheen/shine to my skin and really when I push on the swollen areas it doesnt feel like its filled with fluid, its just swollen, tight skin. It reminds me alot of when I was pregnant and my feet would swell, accept this is my entire leg. My ankles have completely disappeared as well. I'm starting to think that it may be the oxycontin, but then that just doesnt make any sense, because it would be both legs and I would think other parts of my body would swell too and i've been on oxycontin before for a month and this didnt happen. I got see my surgeon on Wednesday, so I guess i'll see what he things about it. I love my surgeon to death, but this is the guy that said I couldnt handle anything more than 5mg vicodin because of my size. So I can only imagine what he's going to say when he hears i'm taking oxycontin 3 x a day and oxycodone 3 x a day for BT. I really am hoping that this is not a side effect to the oxycontin, because I really am happy with were my pain levels are at, it has been so nice to be a 2-3 consistently now since last week, there has been no bouncing around going up, then down, then back up again like I was just taking the short acting. My family really has enjoyed having they're mom back and i'm worried that if this is a side effect that the new PM may take me off and switch me to something else. I cant take morphine, duragesic or the methado 1000 ne, so not sure what he would switch me to. Hopefully he will just tell me to take anti-water/fluid pills (I dont even know what they are called) and see if that works. I read that while doing the trials/research on oxycontin that less than 1% of patients in the trial had issues with edema, but it was listed as one of the side effects that was very low on the totem pole. All I can do now is wait for Wednesday to get here and i'll post back to let you know what the surgeon says about it. SS. I know you said you dealt with it when you were on it, has anyone else dealt with only a part of they're body swelling while on oxycontin? Thanks, Lisa.
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I've seen the commercial for enzyte a milltion times, and was wondering if anybody has tried it, I know they were offering a free trial a while back. Or does anybody know of anything that really works? I'm in a really bad situation, this is about to get kind of graphic, I'll try to keep it as clean as possible. If at the commode for a #2, I have to stand up to urine, or else if I'm sitting down it will go everywhere, and I can't press it down, if I do, it will go all over me. sorry about the graphic description, just trying to give an example. although I have a bad feeling enzyte is just a scam, and there's no such thing that can help me in this area.

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In my previous threads, i detailed some problems i've been having with my girlfriend related to erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation. last time i met with her, she gave me the impression that she was ok being patient and would keep going until things worked out. today though, she drops a bit of an unexpected bombshell that she doesn't feel that i show the lust or passionate desire for her that she's felt from past boyfriends or even just people that are expressing interest in her. i know sometimes i shy away from getting a situation too intimate for fear that we won't be able to finish on the situation (such as a hard fast quickie before going out). however, i've always been very affectionate, close, lots of kisses, and even a bit provocative with the touching when in public. to add to this, she also happens to be suffering from a depression due to family issues but has been well controlled until she says she recently stopped taking her anti-depressant to see if she didn't need it anymore and sa DRAS, I was miserable the first week, but that was because I was semi-inflated. The urologist left me partially inflated, and with the soreness, and swelling, I was quite uncomfortable. The scrotal pain was minimal by then, just the penis. I had an appoinment on the 9th day, and the urologist released the inflation and it was much better. Is it possible that you are also partially inflated? I just remember how miserable I was that first 9 days, but after that, it got better quickly. Most of the guys I've corresponded with on other sites have had significantly less pain after about 5 days. I think you'll find that to be the case. If you are still quite swollen, I would go back to the urologist and let them check for any infection, as Specialdee suggested. That would be the safest. Also, I took about 4 Ibuprofen s couple of times a day, and that really helped with the inflamation. The doctor was extremely pleased on that first visit with the condition of my penis and scrotum.virtually no brusing was left at th
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