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Penis swelling due to dry masturbation Hello- I have recently been suspicious that my boyfriend could be gay and sort of using me as a coverup for his friends and family. I'm only 18 and really don't have much experience with relationships but I'm so nervous! I really love him a lot and I would be heartbroken to find out that he is gay. (P.S. the background might take a while but I promise it's important!) So basically here's the deal: He comes from a really really conservative family and doesn't seem gay at first sight. He has a deep voice, walks in a very non feminine way, doesn't listen to girly music or anything like that. BUT, once we started dating, I noticed a lot I hadn't before. He looooooves being with his guy friends, and often I feel like he loves it way more than he enjoys being with me. He's always in a good mood around them and happy and such. Plus, not to get too graphic, but he hasn't been able to finish when we have sex. He can when I go down on him (which he loves), but not when we actually have sex. Plus, he is really cheaper viagra levitra cialis I have been struggling with extreme anxiety and mild depression for about 6 months now. I am seeing a counselor but not taking an SSRI so that's not the cause. I have not been able to get an erection that is strong enough for penetration since then. In fact, constant oral/hand stimulation is the only way for it to stay up. I know that my ED issues could largely be because of my mental health problems(stress!) and may go away with time.but what about now? I am a young person(in my mid 20s) so I'm afraid that my doctor will just dismiss my claims because off of my age and refer me to a therapist instead, which I am already seeing. I have not had ED issues in the past either. Do you all think I am a good candidate for medication or no? express delivery generic viagra

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Okay, the frenulum is the part that connects from your penis hole to your penis, right? i have phimosis,and am not circumcised so i still have my foreskin.i don't know if it is normal for my frenulum to be all the way connected to my penis "lips" or not. is it? once i get rid of my phimosis by stretching, should i be stretching my frenulum too? another thing, i am a premature ejaculator, i was hit by my friend a long time ago back in 7th grade. is there anything i can do about this? like, as in fix it without having surgery? Another Option I Came Across viagra and analogs What is best time to apply Androgel?  effet secondaire annie halllithium nebenwirkungen erection

I am now 21 years old. but when i was in high school, 17 or 18 im not for sure, i took 3 stackers all at once. they came in packs of 3, i didnt know any better. at first i was fine, then 20 min. later i got an awesome rush, five mintues after that rush it was all downhill. the rest of the night i felt like i wanted to puke but couldnt. my ENTIRE UPPER BODY was going on and off numb, including my face. this went on for 2-3 hours. i lied down on the pavement of a church parking lot with my one friend reciting the lords prayer.seriously thought i might die. finally, i settled in and just felt really weak and weird the rest of the night. i was with one friend, and we never told anyone. at the time i felt like i would rather die than let my parents know i had taken drugs. they would have grounded me forever. anyway, i went on to finish competitive sports in high school, ive done running up to 4 miles at a time. so my heart should be good and strong right? or later in life could this incident still come back to bite me? thanks for the suggestions, advice, whatnot in advance. much appreciated. New drug cialis us licensed pharmacies

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