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I've suffered with a nagging aches and pain in the left side of my neck, top of my back and my left shoulder, ever since I purchased a new washing machine! I have MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) and probably had some nerve damage due to off-gassing from the new Washing Machine in early December, 2008. My post about my bad experience with washing machine is at: Washing Machine from HELL! listed under Environmental Disorders. So. for the first time in my almost 70 years, I suffered from nagging shoulder, back and neck pain that stayed with me most of the time. Sitting back helped. Cold made it worse. I had to run the heaters more than normal because warmth gave me some relief. It was not overly painful, but an annoying, constant pain or ache, almost all day long, unless I kept totally warm, or sat back for a while. It was bad enough to have a major impact on the quality of my life. I own my own Acupuncture Stimulator, the KWD-808-I. I have been using it for years, with some, but limited success, which I started documenting on HealthBoards, in 2003, under Alternative Medicine's thread: "Anyone ever try Chinese medicine (acupuncture/herbals)?" @ showpost.php?p=707632&postcount=23 I tried Acupuncture stimulation on Saturday, Dec 6th, 2008 in a frustrated attempt to ease my newly developed, constant left neck, left upper back and left shoulder pain. Only experienced a little temporary relief, if any. Put the stimulator back in the drawer. Took it out, and tried again on Dec 20th. Just a little help but I had to just endure the uncomfortable pain, and try to avoid it, if I could, by staying warm. Put the stimulator back in the drawer. The aches and pains persisted, but I figured that I would just have to learn to live with them. On Sunday, Jan 18th, I removed the Acupuncture Stimulator from the drawer again. The pain and aches were really impacting my life. I decided to concentrate the electronic pads over the areas of most of my pain, the left upper back and shoulder. I gave myself a one-hour stimulation, by putting self-sticking pads at the top of my back and also my shoulder area. It gave me some relief, but the ache started and then the pain just returned later. I was disappointed and frustrated, but having experience in the past with electro-acupuncture, and regular acupuncture though mine and my wife's previous trips to Acupuncturists, plus my own personal experiments, I decided to continue trying. What else could I do? Not too many options available. Monday, Jan 19th: Things changed a little. I added a pad to my uncomfort 1000 able left neck area, and gave myself another soothing one-hour treatment. I basically treated the Small Intestine Channel, from points SI11 through SI16, which coincidentally were over ALL of the areas of my discomfort. The stimulating sensations from the neck pad radiated all the way up the left side of my head. It felt weird, but soothing. The stimulation gave me some lasting relief, for the first time, but as the day progressed, my upper left back, shoulder and neck started aching, and continued until it started getting more painful towards evening. At least there was some progress. I felt encouraged. Perhaps another treatment or two? Tuesday, Jan 20st, I woke up and for the very first time in many weeks, absolutely no pain! I could not have been happier. No pain! Not even a slight ache! I even went outside for a while. No pain. No ache. Any time during the last few weeks, if I went out into the cold, the aches would be immediate, followed by more uncomfortable pain. But, now, the pain and the aches were both gone! I yelled so loud, in exuberance, that I scared my wife half to death! On Wednesday, Jan 21st, at 10:15am, I gave myself a 40 minute booster along that same SI11-SI16 Acupuncture Meridian. It was soothing, and I had to fight falling asleep while the pads were humming. Afterwards, I felt great, and as of Saturday, January 24th, today, I have been totally free from discomfort since the 20th! It worked! Wow! I thought that I would have to live with that nagging, annoying aching and painful discomfort the rest of my life. It worked! I am ecstatic! That Acupuncture Stimulator, the KWD-808-I, had sat for quite a while, only infrequently being used. At times, I used the pads in places all over my body, and my wife's body, to relieve several different ailments, but with limited success. It did successful improve my sinus problems. But, for the most part, the Stimulator just sat in a draw for years, until now. Something I tried actually worked, for a change! The best part, is that I didn't have to rely on our expensive, broken down medical system, or pills, for help, and I was able to do it at home! So. for those of you who don't mind trying new techniques for dealing with pain, give Electro-Acupuncture a try! It's not expensive. You can get a comparable, or better, Acupuncture Stimulator than I purchased for less than the $110 I paid.

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DRAS, I was miserable the first week, but that was because I was semi-inflated. The urologist left me partially inflated, and with the soreness, and swelling, I was quite uncomfortable. The scrotal pain was minimal by then, just the penis. I had an appoinment on the 9th day, and the urologist released the inflation and it was much better. Is it possible that you are also partially inflated? I just remember how miserable I was that first 9 days, but after that, it got better quickly. Most of the guys I've corresponded with on other sites have had significantly less pain after about 5 days. I think you'll find that to be the case. If you are still quite swollen, I would go back to the urologist and let them check for any infection, as Specialdee suggested. That would be the safest. Also, I took about 4 Ibuprofen s couple of times a day, and that really helped with the inflamation. The doctor was extremely pleased on that first visit with the condition of my penis and scrotum.virtually no brusing was left at that point. Let us know what you find out. doj generic cheap viagra us licensed pharmacies Painful and sensitive penis viagra useage I'm new here, found this forum with a search engine, but it brought me to the old site. Had heard you could cut the pills. Was researching why Viagra had the enteric coating to begin with (which gets the pill past the stomach into the small intestine to disolve) Wasn't sure if it was to protect the stomach from the drug or the drug from the stomach acids. Anyway, there was a lot of discussion in the older version of this site from guys cutting the pills down to smaller doses with no problem, and even crushing it then putting it under their tongues or mixing it with juice for faster response. All these discussions were two years old. Was wondering if anyone was still taking it that way with good results since there wasn't recent discussion about it here now. Just trying to make sure some unforseen problem didn't come up with using it that way that I should know about. This message has been edited by z71blazer (edited 07-25-2002).

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Antidepresive effect birthcontrol? generic viagra kamagra I don't think it matters at all. Like someone said earlier, it's just another way of expressing sexuality, and it really is a turn on to me! My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year now, and have sex atleast 2 or 3 times a week. But we still both masturbate, and we both find it a huge turn on. We are just a very sexual couple, and when we are on our own then that's just another way to feel sexual. I'm really sure it's nothing to do with you- it's just some people are very sexual and like to experience all aspects of it. Masturbation is a very personal, different, calming thing that sometimes people don't just do to get off, but just because it's habit or they enjoy it. No worries- you don't need to worry about it. Jenx.
I am currently taking 50mg viagara tablets and the effects are completely satisfactory. if i cut the 50 mg tablet in half and take a half dosage instead of a whole one, is the effect proportionately halved? Hey lynn 1961 Imes because I loose some hardness during sex. She is great and has never complained and she says that she is happy with the way it is, but has some interest in me trying one of the ED drugs. My question to you guys who have gone through this is do you agree with my doc that I should just try one or more of the ED drugs first, without any tests at this time. I have HBP, but it has been under control with ACEIs for 20 years. It averages about 122/78, with a range of 110/68 to 140/90 on rare occasions. My cholesterol runs from 190 to 220 and I tried a statin about 8 years ago and had terrible muscle and joint pains. My cholesterol used to be as high as 280 when in my late 20s before I changed my diet to get it down to 220 to 240. I now take fish oil and niacin to keep it lower. Before I got on the ACEIs, I was on a diuretic for 20 years. My next regular appt with my doc is my annual physical in 3 months, so I will probably wait until then to get samples or a script. I think that I would like to try Viagra and C  Cialis soft gel

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