måndag 29 mars 2010

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Oldskool, Congratulations! And in a few weeks, you won't even remember the pain.it's just a distant memory now for me. I was not that swollen, and I'm sure that's the bulk of your discomfort. And, did he leave you partially inflated? That was what made me most uncomfortable, especially when I had to put on underwear and slacks. Once he released it at the one week mark, I got much relief. Take the pain pills and in a week you're going to be fine. doj.
Foreskin problems Im at the age to where i should want sex and sex only but i cant seem to want it after the baby. does anyone know of anything that works out there that is not dangerous and will not cause blood clooting. any advice would still help prefer herbal stuff, just tell me what has helped for u and i ll go to the herbal store and ask about symptoms thanks and need advice badlyyy. i can feel my body urging but dont want to please help me release lol

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Ee w/my right, idk thank u for ur help guys ok speak soon pz. -Arthur Viagra frequency Re: i hate sex. want suggestions Levitra viagra prices I mastrubate regularly. Is it ok? how often should i mastrubate?plz help me. best prices viagra Hello all. I used to post here under a different name but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. Anyway, let me give you the facts . Ever since I got divorced a few months ago, when I go to have sex with someone the first time or two is fine, but after that I have a hard time either getting or maintaining an erection. I recently met someone that is very special to me and we have great sex, but this issue started cropping up again so I did some research and began taking L-Arginine. Right after I started taking that I started taking my Lexapro again. At first I had super hard, long lasting erections, but after a week or so the problem began again. I wake up with great erections, so I know it's not physical. This problem is really starting to get to me, and I'm sure the more I worry about it the worse it will get. I guess one of my questions would be this . Lexapro has a history of causing low libido and ED. Is it possible that it only affects the erections you would get to have sex and not the viagra pulmonary hypertension

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