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I agree with Audrey but for one point. If the attraction to young girls bothers you, and it isn't something you want to talk about with family or friends, a visit or two with a therapist might just allay your fears that you are quite normal. Good luck..
Hi all, this forum is exactly what i needed as i am experiencing what many of former zoloft users here are posting. i was on 200 mg zoloft for 5 years. to be honest, at first it was amazing to me how much energy it seemed to give me and how positive i was feeling. i have suffered from depression all my life as far back into my childhood as i can remember and the zoloft changed all that. at least at first. after several years of taking the zoloft it seemed that i no longer was benefiting from it as before. yes i was not in the dumps but then again i had no ups either. it was kinda like i was in a cloud and plain; like a zombie. i decided to get off of it to change the way the chemical was making me feel. soon after, i started into the withdrawal feeling that many of you have noted but something else happened. im a systems programmer and i make my living using my mental facilities. what i noticed was that now being removed from the zoloft, i was thinking and comprehending things that i hadn't before. a problem that had stumped me for weeks i now solved within a day. this is my take on the whole zoloft issue. zoloft may be a great tool to use for many of us who deal with depression and the like. but it is a drug that needs the oversite of a doctor who specializes in drug therepies. not a gp who knows even less than those who have responded in this forum. its absurd that a doc would say. "there is no withdrawal from zoloft. you have an inner ear infection" what b.s.! who the heck are they trying to kid anyway? the problem is the almighty $$$. drug companies are making millions off of this stuff and they have marketed zoloft with the same care and concern that general mills pushes a new breakfast cereal. it angers me that we are the ones who suffer and are the guinee pigs. one day you'll read about a study on the real news of zoloft but it will be only after those of us have suffered and complained. thanks for those who have reported the length of the withdrawal. its been 3 weeks for me and i'm still spinning and feeling like crap but reading how others have finally made it gives me hope http://www.healthboards.com/ubb/smile.gif i've got more here in the way of education and advice than from any doc that i paid 75-100$$. again thank you [this message has been edited by alden (edited 09-19-2003).] [this message has been edited by alden (edited 09-19-2003).] Re: Bv Viagra over the internet How long does viagra stay in the system so that it can be detected by a urine drug test? Viagra vs levitra vs cialis What are the long term effects of taking anti nausea zenerx natural viagra

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