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I need some idea as to where to start to solve this strange issue. I don't have much trouble getting an erection and the erections I get are usually pretty solid, but during sexual activity I often lose my erection and when I am able to sustain it, I have trouble climaxing. I just seem to have lost a significant amount of my sensitivity. Is this just part of the aging process and are my days of mind-blowing orgasms over--at 39? (I visited an endocrinologist a couple of months ago and found out that my testosterone level is well within the normal range. My FSH was off the charts which I figure just means that I'm infertile--no big deal as far as I'm concerned.) Am I just old? Lewis goodfellow viagra I'm 36 years old and I'm using viagra (and possibly cialis soon) because of a bout of Peyronie's Disease I had about 6 years ago. It left the head of my penis not getting fully hard, which makes natural erections fairly high maintenance. I also don't get very strong or frequent nocturnal erections anymore (I'm having my testosterone tested, but assume it has to do with the Peyronie's). All that is to say, 25mg of viagra turns me into Superman. I'm hard before sex even begins, I can go two or three times in a row for a long time, side effects are minimal (at 25mg) and I'm frankly better than I was before, at least I haven't had sexual capacity like that since high school or college. So, viagra works for me like gangbusters. But even with that being the case, I have to say I feel emberassed and kind of depressed that I'm having to rely on a pill for virility. My girlfriend is totally understanding and is a sexual dynamo, liking sex everyday (she's only 27), but still, I think, if it wasn't for drugs, I'd be maybe half the man I am on them. Then I start worrying what if the drugs ever stop working, etc., etc. I hate to sound like a whiner, because I realize how lucky I am to be living in an age where medical science can fix me with a pill, even making me better than I should be at my age. And I tell myself I wouldn't think less of a heart patient for being on heart meds, or a person prone to depression for being on an SRI drug like Prozac. But are there any other "young" guys out there on these ED drugs that wrestle with this issue? If so, I'd like to hear from you. Thanks.

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I've never had a problem getting or maintaining an erection. The reason I'm asking is because my erection is shorter than it was when I was younger. When I was in college my erection was a little longer than six inches. Today at age 43 it is a little longer than 5 inches. There have been a few times over they years when it appeared to go back to the size it was in the good old days. I have no idea why this happened a few times, must have been something I ate. This makes me think the potential is still there. When I was in college I used to donate blood and I was able to fill the bags pretty quickly. Today, I fill bags pretty slowly, so I'm wondering if I have a bloodflow problem. I feel a little silly asking about this when others here have more serious problems . I'm just wondering if a hit of viagara can give me back the inch or so I've lost. Thanks.

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Does anyone know the over-the-counter drug available to take with viagra to extend the time viagra is effective?

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