söndag 11 april 2010

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Hydrocodone and Glucosamine- is this why I'm sick? australia viagra cialis purchase I've been using the herbal Love Fuel for six months now, and it's terrific. Much stronger and longer lasting than Viagra, which I had used for five years. The Love Fuel does give me a slight headache, but so did Viagra. I take the stuff in mid-afternoon, am ready to have sex in two hours, then ready again later that evening and the entire next day. Great stuff. I do not sell the herbal med, so I'm not marketing anything, just telling what my experience has been. between difference levitra viagra Ok well im only 19 years old i should be at my sexual peak! i hooked up with somebody the other day and during the initial excitement i was able to get hard but after less than a minute i lost that erection very quickly.(and this is a common theme that has been going on.) i now notice that i seem to have this problem even in the comforts of my own home.i can start to touch myself and i have no problem getting a half-way erection but then out of nowhere i lose it and im unable to maintain it or make it get any harder.if i wait a while and start touching myself i am once again able to get hard quickly but lose it just as fast. what the hell is going on? at first i thought it mightve been performance anxiety but why is this happening even in the comforts of my own home? IM ONLY 19 this is seriously screwing with my social life. my father is a diabetic i read that diabetics might have erection problems but i dont think im diabetic? i also read some guy named "joe" on here had tinnitus (ringing in t.
I have lacerations or broken skin on my foreskin which causes pain whilst urinating and during intercourse. i have had this condition for a month and went to see my gp 2 weeks ago. he told me that my foreskin had merely tigtened up and that i should apply aqueous cream to lubricate my foreskin. the gp informed me that if there was no significant improvement that i may need to be circumcised, however, the waiting list is currently 18 months. there has not been any significant improvement since my visit to my gp and i am worried that the only option is cicumcision. is this something that can just go away after a period of time? are there any alternatives to circumcision?

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Lonely and often times, quite sad. So I totally understand your want to find a permanent fix, and to find it "now." My thought though, and again even without another nine more years of "no sex" than you, is to wait, keep on with the shots, pills n' rings, and instead (as Art said) try to find a partner that understands, and cares about you as you, and not just as an ever-ready penis with legs. Now, straight-up, you're gonna have to totally redefine what sex is (something I'm really, really having a hard time with btw). Venous leakage means you and I don't get to have drunken "wham bam, thank you ma'ams," and while that's not fair and it's not right, there's worse things in life. For guys like us then, the challenge to is to find a true partner, one that doesn't judge us for our singular limitation. Either way dude, just want ya to know you're not alone. There are guys under 30 that are going through this stuff, and the fact you've had the kahones to go to the doctors, try to find a cure, and moreover to post Viagra for emphazema New Partner amoxicillin nebenwirkungen catscialis dosage x 10pills ems shipping

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Premature Ejaculation after coming off of SSRI? Fans of viagra I'd say her chances of being pregnant are much lower than if she had sex during her fertile time, but that doesn't mean she definitely will not get pregnant. Cycles often vary between individual women - some women even ovulate during their periods. I'd say to advise him to take as many precautions as possible.condoms, spermicide, or a vasectomy if he doesn't want kids ever. Hey everyone, after thinking about this for awhile I think I want to ask for advice. I'm a 21 year old male, and during my late teens I did something stupid. When I got an erection, I used to lay face down with my penis bent backward because it seemed more pleasurable. After noticing my erections weren't as strong as they used to be, I stopped doing this. Now, some 5 years later I'm left wondering if I injured my penis doing this. I haven't had sex yet and I've kind of avoided sexual activity because of fear something may be wrong. It's really a hit to my confidence. Let me just give you a description of how my erections are now. Those random erections I used to get out of the blue, the ones that just happen, in my early teens I don't get any more. But If I think of something sexual, I can get an erection, I just have to work at it to maintain it. Say for instance I am viewing sexual material I get an erection, but if I were to stop for about a minute I wouldn't maintain an erection. I constantly have

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