onsdag 21 april 2010

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Hi, i have a question, my bf can get his penis hard and keep it hard the first time we have sex but it seems like the second time we try to have sex it kinda takes him a long time to get hard and sometimes he has trouble getting hard, he'll get like halfway hard for like a few seconds and then it will go down and this has happend almost everytime we had sex and sometimes (not all the time) his penis will go soft during sex and he told me that this has happend with all of his ex gf's ever since he started having sex (he started having sex when he was 19) and he just turned 25 and i was wondering if were doing something wrong or does this sound like he has problems with hard ons? should we see a doctor about this? i dont want to embarrass him and also, everytime we have sex were always in a "use it or lose it" situation, sometimes he smokes weed and drinks and i suggested him slowing down on smoking weed and drinking, thats when he told me that its not that and that he's always had this problem ever since he started having sex are there some things that we could try or do that will help make this better? maybe some of those pills that help the guy get hard?

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