onsdag 28 april 2010

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I've heard that a lot of women aren't able to completely let go unless they are totally comfortable with, and completely trust the other person, and for some women, that means being in a love relationship with them. I don't know if there's anything you can do about it, it's a mental thing.

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Now I had heard the shortage was only on the hydrocodone and not the Oxy. But, your store is now saying that the oxy. is also in a shortage? Lorie Acheter du viagra sur internet I am a 25 year old who had sex with my girlfriend and she was my first. I have an uncircumcised penis and I can't seem to ejaculate during sex. She has her fill and is exasperated that I cannot orgasm. I'm not talking any medicines and I am in normal health. I masturbate and can orgasm properly there, but even that takes awhile. Any help would be appreciated.

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Hey Team, Art, Yound; as always, thanks for the support and excellent advice. Art especially, can't tell ya how much I have (and continue) to value your experience and counsel. I'm gonna be relying on your continued generosity me thinks right up until the first pump of my new robo-dk.in exchange, I'll promise to name my first kid "Art662" (boy or girl, doesn't matter). And "hey" back atcha Magic. Good on ya for meeting with everybody's favorite UCSF urologist.you're gonna roll your eyes at his cheesy "Did you bring your penis with you?" joke, but he's amiable enough. A bit of a warning though - and having explored the option with the same uro - I'd totally advise reading (and then reading some more) about the history and current thought on venous ligation surgery. Even if you're the ideal candidate (and at age 19 - 20, I'll wager you absolutely are), from what I understand, the procedure is, at best, a temporary solution to our problem, and one that carries almost certain complications as scarring, shortening and a repeat of surgery as the bands inevitably loosen over time. Moreover, from what UCSF uro told me, the "life" of the bands/surgery are like 2 - 5 years - far less than what you'd get from any implant. lol - anyway, with that rosy take on the notion, enjoy! Anyway, back to me, and another question for the board. Art, others; when does the u 1000 ro do his measuring of your member (and to find the "right sized" implant)? Is the dilation and such only done when you're on the operating table? Moreover, is it an internal measurement (with your thingy cut open) or external? If the latter, it doesn't seem to make sense to do everything during surgery, as I assume they need to order the proper-sized implant in advance of the procedure? In similar fashion, have you ever heard of having several dilations/measurements taken in advance of surgey, and to make sure proper/accurate measurements are made? The whole notion of a one-shot, one-measurement technique seems inappropriate somehow, and considering how important getting the right size and fit are?

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Pain and numbness on left side of body overnight shipping viagra I just noticed there is 2-3 patches of dry skin on the underside of my penis, inbetween the head and circumsision scar. They are about the size of a half of a dime. if anyone has any ideas of what it is. or how to rid it.i would greatly appreaciate it.thanks for everything!

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If this woman really loves you I don't think you'll lose her over failed erections. This sounds blunt and I don't mean it, but true love isn't based on erections and the ability to perform. I too think you're really worked up over the situation. Calm down and keep going forward. Don't over emphasize sex. It's good, but don't think that's what she bases her love for you on. I hope she doesn't anyway. -h pharmacy cialis buy

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It keeps on happinin?.
As far as i know the medications i am on dont have any side effects that could cause this. i am currently on 6-mercapturine 50mg a day pentasa medications have not changed to cause this, i have gone down on the first drug there to 50mg cos it was causing a low red blood count but thats it. other symptoms i have noticed is more urinating, and the feeling of needing to urinate when i start to get erect. just generally no sex drive, even when masturbating i'll only have en erection while im doing it otherwise itl go away. i just have no sex drive at all, and that feeling of needing to urinate is not nice either. one other symptom is dark urine in the morning. thats it lol hopefully those are the symptoms for some condition thats fixed easy >< thanks again I went to the doctor the other day and told him I think I have some kind of infection on my penis. My penis tip is red and I have a purple ring around the head, and sometimes my penis turns into a bluish color. After telling him and showing him he said its all normal. I'm still not convinced. hiden camera gay video druged viagra How to last in bed Viagra tia An I have done? *What could be causing this? *Is there really no risk in taking bioidentical hormones? Can it make you infertile? *I also took Chinese herbs from traditional Chinese herbalist -- am worried they could have exacerbated symptoms, has anyone heard of this happening? Thank you for your help! Viagra with xanax

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