söndag 4 april 2010

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Good Morning: I am Manic Depressive & also have OCD. Found a good doctor and have been under relatively good control. Unfortunately, My Doctor retired and I am in the process of Finding a new Doc. Good Doctors are hard to find in Rural Areas. Medicines are running out. Was given Prozac 20mg-1 each day over the last year and xanax 0.5mg- 1-b.i.d. off and on, over the last several years, for sleep and to relax. Have plenty of these medications. Any Input on taking these 2 together? special offers dose low viagra cialis (Tried to post in the earlier thread, but it is closed. I apologize if there was an easy way to re-open it.) I've been trying Vicerex for recreational purposes for about three or four weeks now. 2 pills seem to last about 2 days. My erections are rock hard and I remain hard after the orgasm. The major side effects were a stuffy head and I felt flushed. The stuffy head effect goes away in about an hour, but I was not ready for it the first time, and it was very strong, and I felt my nasal passages block up a little. Must be what an asthmatic goes through. Anyone have any idea how long this has been on the market? I am wondering about long term benefits. (Bought my second box.)

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Evening All Certainly didn't mean to disappoint ya Fady. Believe me, if fixing ED was as easy as taking testosterone supplements, I'd have been popping pills or taking shots looooong long ago. But that said, I am certainly not a doctor - I can only report what I've heard or experienced - and one of the many lessons that I have learned as I've traveled through ED Land, is that every body is different, and that ED can be caused by any of myriad things. If you feel there may be some link between your testosterone levels and your ED, then I say explore any and all related treatments - especially prior to deciding on implant surgery. Perhaps boosting would have a positive effect for ya.it just didn't for me. But btw, and for the record, I'm 6'1", fluctuate between 195 and 210lbs (depending on how diligent I am with the cardio), and an amateur bodybuilder.aaaaand I'm sadly limp as a wet noodle with even the nastiest of "vascular dilation" shots. In my case anyway, it would seem that my "low normal" testosterone production has little to do with my ED. I haven't heard of or tried "The Erection Mas 1000 ter" - though I totally dig that name.somehow like conjures up an image of an infomercial with Suzanne Somers in leather or something At any rate.like Magic, Art and the handful of others that have posted, I've tried every treatment, therapy, pill and shot, and then tried them all in combinations just for giggles. None have worked to plug or even minimize my leakage, and so I've concluded there's only one robo-option left. But I think, like dealing with some great loss in your life (and as any guy with our problem can attest, there are few greater losses to have to cope with than the loss of a functioning member), it's important to go through each metaphorical stage, from "denial" through "acceptance," and then, if you're ready, perhaps choose the only really viable (and inflatable!) cure there is. K, I'm off my soapbox now and off to the gym. Night all! 2buy generic levitra Need a guys perspective. Managed care formulary viagra

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