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Ted to have sex, just wouldrather masturbate to porn than be with her as it was much more satisfying. I now have a young girlfriend, and she is amazing in bed! However, even with her, I find myself often unable to maitain an erection once we begin actual intercourse. I have no problems getting an erection, and ussually maintaining it throughout foreplay, which can sometimes be 1-2 hrs, but once intercourse begins, I'm down in 5-6 min without even ejaculating! Is this just psychological, or should i try Natural Ehancement supplements, or what? I ama going through other difficulties, and have no insurance to see a doctor about it at the moment. Sorry for the long ramble, but necessary to see the whole picture.  viagra order uk

I know this isn't a big deal, but my husband is gone for several day's at a time. When he comes home.I have noticed that he doesn't seem to really want to have sex. I'm not implying he is cheating.just wondering if its normal? I have ask him point blank if he masturbates while we are apart and if he did .it wouldn't be a big deal. He tells me.he does not masturbate, he has a wife and there is no need for this normal? Is he just embaressed? He swears he never does and hasn't since we have been married.we have been married for 11 yrs now. Do men have trouble admitting they do masturbate.or could he be telling me the truth? I 'm sorry if I sound naive about this.

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Ok, so about 2 1/2 months ago i had unprotected sex with a girl, about a week after that i noticed i started getting a clear discharge from my penis, mainly in the mornings but a little during the day. so i went to the local clinic where i did a urine test and a swab for chlamydia and gon, they treated me for that there with a single dose of 2 pills (i cant remember the name) a week later the discharge was still there, so i phoned the clinic for the results and to tell them that the discharge was still there. the results were negative so the did a blood test for hiv and syphilis, two weeks later i got the result which was also negative. so they told me that there is nothing wrong with me and to just ignore it! so i did then two weeks after that i started getting lower abdominal pains and went to g.p. who did 3 blood tests a urine test and a swab all negative. he suspected prostitis and put me on doxy for ten days which i have just finished and still have a clear discharge and at night it i have to get up an Eye pain after Levitra kamagra side effects Affect on the liver from overdose of antibiotics size cialis

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Re: Loss of sexual energy . general loss of energy sild viagra I was just wondering what some of the side effects of the epilum drug were. Is gastrointestinal upset one of them? Viagra with xanax Wow! Had my first Viagra experience yesterday (Valentine's day!) What can I say? This stuff is fantastic and should be added to the municipal drinking water! :-) After 7 years of marriage, I'm back on the "dating scene". With the girl I'm dating now (being the first girl after my wife), I found that I was so nervous that couldn't get it up for longer than a few minutes at a time. much less penetrate. All my life I always "afraid" of one-night stands for the fear of exactly that happening. I know it is all in my head. While she's very understanding, this began to bring ME down mentally, which didn't help the erection situation at all (vicious cycle of self-doubt). From Pfizer's marketing, I always got the message that Viagra was "for old people" a la Bob Dole. I'm 34, look & feel more like 24, and nothing's wrong with me physically (masturbation and sex with my former wife were never a problem), so I felt Viagra was a crutch for those with "broken equipment", not for me. However, rapdily Facts about levitra My husband and I have almost no sex life. He got 'fixed' a year ago and I'm on Paxil. Both of us have very little sex drive. We do miss the intimacy though. A friend gave me a 100 mg. Viagra. Should we break it in half and go for it? What can we expect? We're both in good physical condition. Any advice?.

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