onsdag 12 maj 2010

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Hi guys, I've been reading your posts because my husband is considering an implant. He is one year post prostate surgery. Some response on his own but not erect. The shots are ok to use but never seem to wear off in a reasonable time frame. It is so frustrating. We are young for this issue, 50. So lots of years to use it! Several things concern me and wonder if you have answers. What if cancer comes back? Biggest fear always. Will radiation, treatments affect the device? Will it work? It's a big step. Are you wives satisfied with sex using the implant? I hear that you are and understand that. Getting back what you lost but how do they feel? Is it like it used to be? Because, to me, the shots don't cut it. I am not pleased with that and have a hard time telling my husband that when he is so pleased to be able to perform. Length. You lose length from prostate surgery, I'm still adjusting to that, now more? I don't know if I'd like that. For women, the deep orgasms are the best ones. On the other hand, the spont

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I use a wash face with 2% Salicylic Acid and it certain helps with acne. However, I was reading online that this ingredient also helps various skin disorders elsewhere on the body for various conditions such as eczema, keratinization, psoriasis, etc. So just out of curiosity, I decided to rub some of it onto the head of my penis in addition to my face in the shower once a day for the past two weeks. My head has now become slightly more sensitive and I know it's not just placebo effect because the head has even turned a lighter natural pinkish color like that of an uncircumcised head, but dry. I have not noticed any negative side effects such as redness, swelling, pain, stinging that some people may have when using Salicylic Acid on their bodies. Now my question pertains to any long term effects of this on my penile area. I know that chemicals can be absorbed through skin in trace amounts, would this be enough to cause fertility issues? I know they have Salicylic Acid acne creams that you're suppose to lea Best prices cialis S stemmed from another. Do you guys have any advice or tips. or perhaps could it be testosterone levels? or maybe other hormones. I am very active and in shape. 6'3 220. right now quite stressed with exams and such but yea. Would greatly appreciate the help! CHeers, Lew Viagra really works

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I never said anything about the vagina. I'm talking about anal sex only, and I'm talking about the chances of ME getting an infection. We never, ever have vaginal or oral sex after contact with her anus, and never intend to.
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Hi Everyone This is my first time posting to this board. I had prostate cancer surgery July 2006. The "nerves were spared" I was told. How many times have we heard that. Needless to say I have tried everything and nothing worked so 2 weeks ago on Nov 30th I had an implant. I was not prepared how painful it would be and today 19 days after surgery I'm still very sore on the head of my penis. I'm having my doubts that I did the right thing. Any thoughts, comments or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated..
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A couple days ago I masturbated a ton, twice as much as usual. At first my penis was longer when I was flaccid but no problems and I ignored it. When I went to bed everything was fine, but when I woke up my penis was numb. I have about 25% of feeling still but thats about it. It scared the hell out of me and I was pretty much freaking out. I'm still masturbating since I'm pretty much addicted to it I guess. It just doesn't go so well and I get flaccid when I get closer to orgasm. I'm not a fool so I told my Mom in a round-about way. Since I kind of have a numb butt from sitting all day I told her I thought it spreaded to my "private parts." I thought that was better than saying, "Mom, I masturbated like crazy for a couple days in a row and now my penis is numb." She said that's what I get for lack of excercise and didn't seem impressed enough to call the doctor. So I was left to my own panicking and became resigned to my problem. Has anyone had this happen and do you think I've just damaged the ner buy drug satellite tv levitra Hi frnds. iam very confused. i hate sex to the core but some times i feel like having it.but iam single.i would like to have i aftr marriage only. but the fear abt sex is a barrier for my marriage?i stay away from people who r talking about sex.am i abnormal.? should i consult a pyschartist? iam a victim of sexual abuse..
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For the longest time my shaft has gotten red and sometimes sore especially after sex. it seems one particular spot it happens the most. a few days after getting sore the skin would peel almost like it was healing and i would peel the skin off and it would be fine til next time. because of this i would avoid sex with my wife until i was healed up usually a few days. also along with being red i would get little cuts on my shaft as well. after reading this forum it really sounded like i had a yeast infection and i know my wife has had many over the years. i went and got some monistat 7 and have been applying it every day and not having sex. it looks better now except in the area where i usually get the redness the skin is very smooth now. its the bottom half of my shaft away from the head. the top half by my head is normal looking with the little wrinkles and whatnot, but the bottom is shiny and smooth and the skin appears very thin like it would break easily. is this a side effect of the yeast infection and wil Itchy red penis after sex - Help ! Herbal v viagra study

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