torsdag 13 maj 2010

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I masturbate once a day, is this too much?

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My health plan only provides 4 pills a month. I've asked for 6 at the pharmacy but then they make me pay full price for all of them (no coverage). This is a real problem for me. I'm very active sexually. Without the pills, my performance is not very great. With the Viagra, I'm great. My question is: Is there a way to really order Viagra online at a discounted rate? Of course I mean safely and legally. Like everyone I get the spam emails, but would never want to buy from any of those companies. Baby Acne Treatment Wow, thank goodness for anonymity. A small swath of skin beneath the head of my penis, perhaps it's called the ridge (I feel it should be called the ridge), is irritated, red-ish and seemingly dry. It does not itch, but is sensitive. I notice nothing out of the ordinary besides this intriguing phenomenon.'s not going to fall-off, right? I've grown rather accustom to it, and hate the idea of it struggling with personal issues. I've put creams and lotion on the "dirty thing" hoping that the irritation, which has been present for several days, will go away. It hasn't. Any penis aficionados out there? What should I do? london uk buy generic viagra

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For those using viagra, (and of course everyone's different) is masturbation difficult without it? For me an adequate erection was only a problem for penetration, but masturbation seems to naturally create enough of an erection for ejaculation. viagra order uk G to the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Panel on Impotence. DHEA treatment was associated with higher mean scores for all five domains of the IIEF. There was no impact of DHEA treatment on the mean serum levels of PSA, prolactin, testosterone, the mean prostate volume, and the mean postvoid residual urine volume. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that oral DHEA treatment may be of benefit in the treatment of ED. Although our patient data base is too small to do relevant statistical analysis, we believe that our data show a biologically obvious trend that justifies further extended studies.

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Mysterious red lines. HELP.
I have been struggling with extreme anxiety and mild depression for about 6 months now. i am seeing a counselor but not taking an ssri so that's not the cause. i have not been able to get an erection that is strong enough for penetration since then. in fact, constant oral/hand stimulation is the only way for it to stay up. i know that my ed issues could largely be because of my mental health problems(stress!) and may go away with time.but what about now? i am a young person(in my mid 20s) so i'm afraid that my doctor will just dismiss my claims because off of my age and refer me to a therapist instead, which i am already seeing. i have not had ed issues in the past either. do you all think i am a good candidate for medication or no? Hey I am 23, had a bad infection 2 years ago and now have ED. I use Viagra or Cialis and both works great for me. Here is the thing. When I ejacualte its just that EJACULATION. NO REAL FEELING OF ORGASIM. I mean the sex is good. But I just have a very mechanical ejaculation. No real orgasim or relaxation. Does anyone out there know what I am talking about? I feel for 23 I should stil feel the rush? Please help. cheap free free viagra viagra viagra

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Ol and were so extatic that we messed around for at least 2 hours without attempting penetration and tested to see if it would remain erect if stimulation seased and found that it did not. My erection would fall but as soon as she touched it it would come right back up repetedly. I found that it enhanced my labido simply because it was erect. In the past I have avoided intimate situations and tried not to excite my wife if I felt that i would be unable to perform that evening and I believe that she has done the same. It's nice now to be able to walk up behind her and kiss her on the neck without the fear of her being ready when I'm not able. Her labido hasn't been what it should either and it wasn't until our full weekend of comunication and experiences that we realized how stimulating for her my erection could be. She was so excited that she was able to stimulate me with a simple kiss or a really nice hug instead of an hour of forplay only to be wasted when penetration still wasn't possible. She claims that

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Hi. I was wondering if there was any sexual enhancement drugs for this type of thing. I'm on ocd meds and it's having sexual side effects on me(decreased sperm count, taking longer to ejaculate). I was wondering if there was any drugs that I could take to help me increase sperm count? Thanks..
No i have not tried cialis. i was on a drug study last year that allowed for viagra 3 times a week. i still have about a half a bottle. i stopped taking it due to the side effects. i quess the big 3 are not quite the same so maybe i should ask for some samples. my dr. must push the viagra, cause he has never suggested any other. and speaking of pumps i did a ****** and found an online supplier vitality medical, tell me those are the samething. i think i should give it a try but don't want to use my insurance. thanks Sorry for the late post, just happened to come across this board. So my husband and i have been together for 5 years and married for 6 months. We have a very good sex life. He is the same way. If I'm undressing or something he is all over me. I think that as far as her drive goes: Moving in together changes EVERYTHING. Sex is no exception. Instead of trying to jump her bones, try fourplay or something. Is she getting upset about your high drive? It will level out. Maybe she is board. Mix it up. Don't expect it, maybe that is enough to turn her off. You are totally normal! Heck sometimes I even appreciate that about my husband!

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