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In April 2004, my mother suddenly felt achy and decided not to go to a bridal shower with me. Next thing I know she's unable to walk and my dad rushed her to the hospital. For about 2-3 months we went without knowing what was wrong. I think it was U of M who wouldn't let her leave until she was able to walk on her own. Riding in a vehicle shot pain through her body, she could barely stand clothing on her body.one hospital actually said that some event in her past was so traumatic it was causing her to act like this. That we weren't giving her enough love. If you knew my family, you would know that's the complete opposite. Thankfully we have my dad and because of his persistence, we found out what was causing my mother to be in so much pain. I couldn't tell you how much it means to me to see my mom even drive or do things on her own now. She would literally push herself in one day so much that she'd end up in bed for a week after that. I was a senior in high school. By then I still had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. My great grandfather who lived next door to us died not long after my mother got sick. In fact, I remember staying the night in the hospital room along w/ my mother to look over my grandfather. Dying doesn't scare me, but seeing the people I love in pain tears me apart. I'll never forget seeing my mom being pushed in a wheelchair at my graduation. I try not to let her know how much it hurts to see her in pain even now after almost 5 years. My family means the world to me. My mother is my best friend and I'm daddy's little girl. About a year or so ago my dad was getting rashes and really had no positive answers. One Saturday morning I was having a lot of abdominal pain. I was seriously considering going to the hospital. That day I did, but it wasn't for me. My mom was on her way to take my dad to the chiropractor and decided to turn around, stop at the house for something and took him to the hospital. Next thing I know he's being taken to another hospital and things are a lot more serious than I thought. So obviously, I ignored my pains and waited until we had more knowledge of what was going on. It wasn't until the next day after being at the hospital, which was about an hour and a half away, for who knows how long I came home and had my husband take me to a closer hospital. I ended up having my gull bladder removed. Come to find out my dad had went into shock while I was in the hospital. I waited probably a day after I was out of the hospital to go see my dad. They came to the conclusion that he has Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Some still aren't sure that's completely it. He's still struggling with medications. They had him on such strong steroids it did 1000 a lot of damage. Thankfully he's home and still going to work. But what's insane is.the last thing he remembered was driving home from work the Thursday or Friday (I can't remember which) before going to the hospital. He didn't remember things until maybe 2 days before he left the hospital. That's almost 2 weeks of his life he has no recollection of. I try as much as I can to be there for both of them when they need me. What I'm worried about is driving myself into an even deeper depression that I was in the first place. What should I do to help with all of this? My parents are the kindest, most generous people I've ever known. Why do they need to go through all of this? I'm just thankful they're also very strong or else they wouldn't be here today. I've left lots of chunks out, but as you can see a lot has happened to my family. srbiji u viagra Unable to Orgasm

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