tisdag 11 maj 2010

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I believe I have some kind of perfromance anxiety problem, where when I am with a girl everything starts out fine, but when it comes down to starting getting really intimate I just go limp! And that freaks me out! Would Viagra help me? I mean how strong is it?

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Hi Rod, Welcome to the boards, there are some great people here that will be able to help you find what you are looking for, so you've come to the right place, as most of us have been in your position, so we know how others are feeling. Your actually only three months out of surgery and typically the recovery time for a fusion is 6 months, on top of that you had a 2 level fusion. I had a one level and the recovery took just over 6 months, so I would expect you to still be fairly painful, however the meds you are taking are very low for pain control and i'm shocked that your Othro Doc doesnt have you on something stronger. I was on stronger pain control up until about the 6 mo. mark, and then my Ortho begain putting me on lower pain control and the weaning off process started. I was never completely able to come off of pain medications and the lower we got the worse my pain was and I realized there was just no way in Hthat I could perform simple tasks such as taking a shower, blow drying my hair, sleeping ect with what I was taking. Thank god I had a Rheumatologist that took over my pain control and she began treating me again with stronger meds, which she did for 2 yrs. Dont want to get you nervous but during that 2 yr period I continued to see my Ortho doc, as my back surgery only made things worse for me and my pain even on pain meds was nonstop, although controlled with what I was taking. One of the problems I had that was new, was I had severe sciatic pain from where the screws and hardware were, well a year (5/2008) after the fusion we went back into surgery to take those out thinking this was what was still causing my pain. Not so! I was still in horrible pain and we did another CT Scan, which showed that the level above my fusion had a Diffuse Disc Bulge, so now he wants to do another fusion on that level (L4-L5). My Rhuemy referred me out to a Pain Management Specialist to control my pain better and that brings me to the current time of today. Its very hard to 1000 find a PM Doc. that will only prescribe medications, most will want to perform different types of injections to see if this helps in controlling your pain and many will put you through different types of therapy, even if you've been through all of these procedures before and they are shown as being unsuccessful. Every doctor is different and has a way of doing things and they will want to try they're way on you, at the same time they will control your pain with stronger meds but eventually will want to take you off of them. Once in a blue moon you might be able to find a Doc that does only prescribe meds, unfortunatley in my State at least, those docs ended up loosing they're license and are currently in jail and because of this, many Docs no longer will prescribe just meds, they will try other procedures too. As long as my doc is keeping my pain under control to where I have some sort of quality of life, then I personally have no issues with trying other procedures, even though i've been through them all and they have failed to help and at times have made issues worse, i'm hoping that maybe one of them will work and I wont have to rely on medications but the reality of it is, is that most people with back injuries who have had surgeries will always have pain and many of us will have to take medicatons the rest of our lives, the problem there is finding a Doc that is willing to prescribe long term. Its very hard. My current PM Doc does not prescribe long term and I knew that because I was told this before I made the appt by the receptionist, but the PM Doc I was seeing was doing some barbaric and unsafe procedures as well as prescribing a total of 11 meds for me to take daily, only 2 of those were actual pain medications. I felt I was in danger of her possibly killing me or causing me to become paralized, so after 2 weeks I left & was referred somewhere else, first by a poster here on the boards and then by my Ortho surgeon. Right now i'm only taking a total of 4 medications which are Oxycontin for long acting control, Oxycodone for BT pain, Tramadol for my Fibromyalgia and Soma more or less to help me sleep. My pain levels went from a 7-8 down a 2-3 and have been consistent for almost 3 weeks now. I'm just waiting for my workers comp to approve all the other procedures he wants to do and then we can get started and see what happens. We have a plan in place and goals to meet, so i'm happy with that. Depending on what happens in the end though, if everything he has done does not improve my pain to where I wouldnt have to be on pain meds, then I know that I will having to search again for another PM Doc that will be willing to treat long term. Hopefully it wont get to that, but after two yrs of going through this I have my doubts although I try to remain positive. So not only do you have the task of finding a PM Doc, you have the added task of finding one that you can rely on to treat your pain for as long as needed. I would like to add some information to help you on your first appt when you do go. Make sure you go in fully armed with information about yourself. Go in with copies of your xrays, Ct scans, Mri's ect. Make sure you take your pharmacy history with you, which you can either get online through your workers comp ins. company or you can have your pharmacy print out a copy of your history. its usually better if you get it from the pharmacy because they can print up the medication name, the strength and how you were taking it as well as the Qty you were recieving. Also take in any medical records you have that shows your history and diagnosis'. Keep a pain diary as well, which shows what you did daily and how it effected your pain levels and what you took or did that decreased those levels. I hope this information has helped some. I dont live anywhere near you, so I cant help in that aspect, but im sure many people here will provide you with names of places either they went to or have heard about. Best of luck and keep us posted Lisa.
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In the last year there has a been a huge drop in the amount of pleasure I can feel from stimulating the frenulum, glans, shaft etc. I am 35 yrs old and circumcized. At the same time there has been an increase in feelings of chafing, irritation, stinging - my penis is not numb but doesn't feel good. Often I have to give up during sex and masterbation because it's just frustrating friction - maybe a hint of good feeling that disappears after a minute. At times I have trouble masterbating to orgasm more than 1-2 times a week. With those "successful" times I feel like I endure a lot of chafing to make it all the way. Often there is only one area and one speed and pressure that will work and if I stop for a second it's gone. UTIs and STDs were rules out and I think T-levels are lowish but normal. Seen Urologist, Neurologist. confused My desire to get off way outpaces my ability - so it's not a low sex drive thing I don't think. Erections are fairly normal. I even feel mild pain just rubbing the shaft and gl levitra drug testing Trouble with getting hard cialis y la respiracion Does this really work in increasing size? I just ordered a first box and I was wonderin if this is another BS..
I think its sexy when guys take viagra.and.i think that you should be honest with her and just tell her straight up.ok.im g onna go.bye! ~*heather*~ Frenulum foreskin.
Cloudious, i tried ogoplex and did not see any difference whatsoever. i have tried semenax without succcess but am going to give it another shot, so to speak. i'll let you know how it works. has anyone else had success with anything? i've heard eating a lot of celery does it but i tried that and almost got sick from all the celery so i quit.

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Anyone had a go, a few hypnosis companies sell mp3s/cds that claim to work. whats i n viagra Ys In The Locker Room In The Gym When They Want Around In Their Underwear They Have What I Call A "mound" And You Can See The Outline Of Their Penis. I Can Walk Around And Be Wearing The Same Type Of Underwear And It Looks Like I Have Nothing Down There. I Have No Or Very Little Mound And You Don't See Any Outline Of My Penis. I Don't Understand That When I Kinda Shake It That It Hangs Down To Where I Am Comfortable With It And Makes Going To The Bathroom Easier Too, But Not Long After I Shake It That It Goes Back To The 2" Lenght Which I Hate. Is There Anything I Can Do To Get My Penis To Stay At Flacid Length It Becomes When I Shake It? I would really appreciate help about this!

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