fredag 7 maj 2010

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After fighting severe ED for 18 years, having tried all the usual treatments, pumps, Viagra, etc, trimix injections I finally had to go the route of getting a penile implant. I am seeking conversations with other men who have undergone this step to see if my disappointment in the outcome is common. I was not a large man to begin with, maybe a little over 5" at the best of times but now, after the implant I am not even 4" long. I was told by my surgeon that it is common to lose some length at first but that I could expect to regain around an inch over the next one to two months. It has only been two weeks since I was given the go ahead to start inflating my prosthesis and I was given a regimen of exercises and massage therapies to employ to help me regain my length but so far I have maybe gained and eight of an inch at best. What I have now is not satisfactory for successfully intercourse and I am scared that I may never be able to enjoy satisfactory sex again. Can anyone offer me any adise or hope? Am I going through a common post operative period? I am not looking for someone to tell me to be hopeful to simply put my fears at bay for a while. I am looking for honest discourse with other men who have undergone this surgery and what their experiences have been. Please, someone give me some straight answers as to what I can expect. I realize everyone will have different outcomes I'm just looking for someone else who can share their experiences. Viagra for enhancement Generic cialis  buying cialis online

Hmmm, what's up with the duplicate postings? Anyway, I answered you on another board. Just in case one or the other gets removed or locked, here is what I said: There is no such thing as a "normal penis". What is normal is individual to each person. For you, that is 2" when flacid, and 5" when erect. For others that might be 4" when flacid, and 5" when erect. Or 1" when flacid and 8" when erect. I can't believe how many guys are hung up on the size of their penis. A penis is part of your body, it doesn't make up who you are as a person. It provides a path to excrete waste products from your body; and a path for planting the seed of life. There is nothing you can do to change the size of your penis when flacid or erect, other than penile implants, and those are surgical procedures that can have major complications. Be happy with what you have. Learn how to use it, and be proud that you have one that works Who cares what the other guys have there? Quote:.
Recently there was an interview with ben affleck (did i spell that right?) in which he said he tried viagra recreationally and felt he almost had a heart attack. the point was made in the media that you should only take if you need it and only when prescribed by your doctor. if thats so then what about someone who needs it some of the time (like me) but takes it regularly anyway just in case? and what exactly was the physiological cause of a reaction like his? the other question i have is a point my wife brought up--since you can't take nitrates after ingesting viagra, what happens when an individual has a heart attacks shortly after taking it? how do they such an emergency if nitrates can't be taken (by the way i am not implying that viagra causes heart attacks - doesn't seem to be likely from my reassert). Does anyone tend to panic more when it gets dark outside? Generic viagra 100mg

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Strange feeling on penis - always want to urine az tempe viagra Just thought i'd jump into this topic. on 'average' males would notice a decrease as they age, but i doubt there is a magic figure eg: you reach 50 and it's all down hill. You will always get those that don't fit the 'average' and might lose their drive much younger or not till they are much, much older. I believe it can be genetic, hormonal, relative to your health, fitness, whether you are on medication, a smoker, a drinker, how good your diet is, how you view sex, how adventurous you might be, what do you look for in sex, are you bored of your partner, does your partner still enjoy sex, do you have a new partner and it's all fresh and exciting. If you are on your own, i believe if you are happy then that is what counts as everybody is an individual. If you are with a partner and you have no interest or declining interest, but your partner still has a definite drive, then you ought to communicate your situation so that your partner doesn't end up feeling as though you don't have any desire or

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Hello. Ever since I started to ejaculate my semen was clear, I started to ejaculate semen when I was 12, But it's worrying me because semen should be white. I never ejaculated white semen, not once. My semen is runny and white specced. Not completely clear. Just not pure milk white. I don't know if theres something wrong with me? My semen turns white if it smudges against my skin, but its clear when I ejaculate. Thanks! generic viagra caverta veega Sex with uncircumcised penis and condom viagra oral sex

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My doctor just gave a perscription for Viagra. He also gave me some samples to try out. My girlfriend doesn't want me to take it though. She's worried that my body won't know what to do without Viagra if I start taking it. So I'm wondering what everyone's experience has been. What has happened when you stopped taking it? Were you still able to get an erection without it? Thanks NewViagraUser Viagra vs levitra vs cialis

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