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This doesn't happen very often. I've noticed it usually when I am intoxicated with alcohol and when I have released pre-ejaculatory fluid. I will get a burning sensation along the urethra, and going to urinate seems to help since it clears out the pre-ejaculatory fluid or semen, but even after repeated urinations it can remain for a half hour or so. Is this normal for some people or is it a sign of an illness?

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Alright, so get this. this is kind of strange. I'm a 20 year old straight guy and can most definitely orgasm through masturbation, but no one has ever been able to get me to reach orgasm. I have had some girls that give VERY good oral and hand jobs, and even some vaginal sex, but I can't seem to get close to climax. Everything I've gotten has felt at least reasonably great, and some very awesome, but I'm still stumped. Consequently, I can maintain the erection for as long as I'm in the mood. I know some guys may be jealous about the erection, but the girls get very discouraged when they can't get me off. Anyone got any advice? thanks.
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And clean until this horrible experience. I'm worried I'll never have a normal smelling penis again. I'm not circumsized by the way if that matters. I wanna know what you guys think about this, Please give me any input if you can, Thanks!

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How much swelling should I expect to have now at day #5 ? my scrotum is grapefruit-size, and the shaft of the penis is about 3 inches in girth; both almost solid-blue in color; I initially thought I was improving and was able to ambulate more easily, but now I wonder if I should still try to avoid gravity and try to lay down most of the day as the swelling seems to aggravating my discomfort. I appeciate any comparitive comment as to how you were doing at day #5. suggested dose in cialis Hey all. So heres the problem. I'm 20 years old and I'm seeing this girl. We've been messing around for a couple weeks now and recently tried to have sex. I came across the problem of not being able to get it up. If I do get it up at all, its pretty much still a softy. This is quite an embarrassing situation when she is moaning in your ear that she wants you and you cant give it to her! I've been with women before and have never come across this problem. She is very attractive and I want her in every way, so there should be no problem on my end. I've looked this up and they say its stress, tiredness, and maybe anxiety. I was wondering if anyone had any tips to help overcome this. Should I see a doctor? Im 20 years old, in great shape, and I'm at my prime! Thanks in advance for any help. viagra alternatives otc First there was Viagra, then Levitra and then Cialis. But they all work according to the same basic principle, don't ask me which exactly but they really do. I heard from a close friend with hypertension, who uses Cozaar to regulate his blood-pressure that since he started his treatment his potency has dramatically increased. And I also read on the Net that the Cozaar-people want to promote their product as a treatment for erectional dysfunction. I think that would probably a step further then Cialis, wouldn't it? What would be the pro's and the cons? I have another related question: do either Viagra, Levitra or Cialis work with patients suffering from untreated hypertension? And how does accute hypertension affect erection potency as opposed to chronic hypertension? Thanks a bunch! generic viagra kamagra

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